
E-Shop developing

Complete control over functionality and design.
Easy order and inventory management.
High performance and security.
Seamless integration with payment systems and other services.

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E-poe lahendused, mis toetavad ettevõtte kasvu.

We offer comprehensive solutions for creating online stores that meet your business goals and customer needs. From market analysis to design and feature setup, each step focuses on easy management and high-quality customer service. With our support and technical maintenance, your online store will run smoothly and grow with your business.

What's include


E-Shop developing


Analysis and Planning

We conduct market analysis and create a development plan for your online store that aligns with your business goals and customer needs.


Design and Functionality

We design a user-friendly and intuitive layout tailored for e-commerce, offering smooth navigation and features to enhance the shopping experience.


Integration and Setup

We integrate payment systems, inventory tracking, shipping options, and other necessary features to streamline store management and improve user experience.


Support and Maintenance

We provide technical support and regular updates for your online store to ensure reliable performance and security.

Buy now or rent


Website purchase

starting from
/ one-time investment

Customized modern solution

SEO optimized

UX considered

3 months of free web hosting

Google Analytics

Website rental

starting from
/ monthly investment

Customized modern solution

SEO optimized

UX considered

Free management and hosting

Google Analytics

Rent a website designed specifically with your needs in mind. A monthly solution that includes a complete modern website, as well as web hosting and management services. We take care of everything, ensuring that your website-related tasks are always easy, convenient, and under your control.

Work done


Done works
Reklaampostitus Instagramis, mis tutvustab tossupoe sooduspakkumisi ja hooajalisi allahindlusi

Instagram Posts for a Sneaker Shop

Personaaltreeneri veebileht Suzanna Akadeemia jaoks.

Personal Fitness Trainer: New Project for Suzanna’s Academy

Разработка современного вебсайта

Full Beauty Website Development from 0 for liisa.beauty

Tasuta koduleht WordPressis väikestele ettevõtetele.

Free WordPress Website, Free Download

Professionaalne kodulehe tegemine WordPressis.

Clean Website for Web Agency, Inspired by 2000s Games

OnlyFans modelliagentuuri kaasaegne koduleht.

Your Updated OnlyFans: Complete Website Design


Frequently Asked Questions

Kodulehe tegemise hind sõltub mitmest tegurist, sealhulgas veebilehe disainist, funktsionaalsusest ja SEO optimeerimisest. Kodulehe loomine võib varieeruda lihtsast WordPressi kodulehest kuni keerukamate ja kohandatud lahendusteni. Üks peamisi tegureid on kodulehe arendus ja disain, mis mõjutavad lõplikku maksumust. Kodulehe tegemise hind sisaldab ka võimalikke lisateenuseid, nagu kodulehe hooldus ja SEO teenused.

Kodulehe tegemise hind määravad tegurid hõlmavad veebilehe optimeerimist, disaini keerukust ja kodulehe funktsionaalsust. Kodulehe loomine sisaldab tihti ka SEO teenuste pakkumist, mis aitab parandada veebilehe nähtavust otsingumootorites. WordPressi kodulehe tegemine võib olla odavam, kuid kui lisada SEO teenused ja täiendavad funktsioonid, siis hind võib tõusta.

Jah, tasuta kodulehe tegemine on võimalik, kuid see võib piirata teie veebilehe kohandamisvõimalusi ja SEO optimeerimist. Kui soovite professionaalse ja täiustatud veebilehte, siis on soovitatav investeerida kodulehe arendusse ja SEO teenustesse. Tasuta platvormid võivad pakkuda piiratud funktsioone ja vähem paindlikkust, võrreldes täislahendustega, mis hõlmavad kodulehe hooldust ja pidevat veebilehe optimeerimist.

SEO optimeerimine on oluline osa kodulehe tegemisest, et tagada veebilehe kõrge nähtavus otsingumootorites nagu Google. Otsingumootori optimeerimine (SEO) hõlmab erinevaid strateegiaid, sealhulgas veebi optimeerimist, et parandada teie veebilehe positsiooni otsingutulemustes. SEO teenused aitavad suurendada teie kodulehe külastatavust ja parandada ärilisi tulemusi. SEO hind võib varieeruda sõltuvalt vajalikest teenustest ja optimeerimisstrateegiatest.

In 2024, key trends in website development include a strong focus on website speed and optimization. This means ensuring that your website loads quickly and provides a smooth user experience. User Experience (UX) is crucial, with websites being designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate. Additionally, SEO optimization will remain a top priority, as websites need to be optimized for both mobile devices and search engines to rank higher in search results.
To ensure website speed and optimization, focus on several key areas. Implement search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, optimize images, and enhance server performance. Using tools to regularly check and improve loading times, and employing SEO services to enhance your website’s visibility in search engines, will also contribute to faster and more efficient website performance.
User Experience (UX) is critical in website design because it directly impacts how users interact with your site. A well-designed UX ensures that your website is easy to navigate, intuitive, and meets user needs effectively. This enhances user satisfaction, reduces bounce rates, and can positively influence your SEO optimization efforts by encouraging longer site visits and more engagement.
In 2024, SEO optimization is essential for improving website visibility in search engine results. By employing effective SEO services, you can enhance your website’s ranking on search engines like Google. This involves optimizing your site’s content, structure, and technical aspects to make it more accessible and relevant to search queries, thereby increasing traffic and potential business opportunities.